This is a highly recommended set of books for parents who wish to teach their own kids the Chinese language like a professional educator. Parents are guided on the proper teaching techniques while lessons are structured such that kids can revise and reinforce what they had learnt as they progress.
This set of books will introduce 552 basic frequently used characters (单字), more than 1000 words (词语) and numerous phrase and sentences.
Many parents who follow the teaching method from this set of books persistently get amazing responses from their kids. You may google 四五快读 and find many good reviews about this set of books. After completing this set of books, some parents are even surprised by how their children can read books of much higher difficulty level, e.g. for 8-year old kids.
四五快读全彩图升级版套装全8册是杨其铎老师独创、持续畅销的幼儿快速识字法。杨其铎女士是一位作风严谨、勇于探索、成果丰硕的早期教育专家。身为早教专家的她在前言中指出:早读的孩子更易成功。让孩子认识四五十字就能进去四五岁就开始自主阅读 附赠识字卡
Recommended age: 3-6Format: Paperback, full colour