<谜语大全>是一部以小学生为阅读对象的课外读物,学生们正处于求知学习的黄金时期,课间闲暇之余,猜猜谜语,既可以沟通感情,活跃气氛,又可以启迪智慧,增长知识。<脑筋急转弯>是指当思维遇到特殊的阻碍时,要很快的离开习惯的思路,从别的方面来思考问题。有利于孩子们开发智力,激活脑细胞,让大脑得到锻炼; 同时提高想象力,拓展知识面,拓展抽象思维。
This is a set of Chinese riddles and brain teaser game books, serving as extra-curricular activities for primary school students. Guessing riddles in the leisure time between classes can not only communicate with each other and enliven the atmosphere, but also enlighten wisdom and increase knowledge.
Brain teasers can effectively train children to think out of the box in a speedy manner.
Recommended age: 6-9Format: Paperback, with Hanyu Pinyin
Dimensions: 147x210mm
Approx 120 pages per book