Black cat sheriff is a classic children story series originated from China. Black cat is intelligent, brave and smart. Other characters like the White Cat class rep and Pigeon detective are also well-liked. Children will become more optimistic, confident and brave after the adventures with Black Cat Sheriff.
Titles included in the set are:
01 地道擒贼
02 电话铃又响了
03 神秘的档案室
04 急救
05 一场激战
06 错误的决定
07 狐狸贴布告
08 吃丈夫的妻子
09 谁是凶手
10 误会
11 老鼠开大会
12 可怕的伐木声
Recommended Age: 3-6
Format: Paperback, full colour
Dimensions: 210x185mm
Language: Simplified Chinese with Hanyu Pinyin
24 pages per book